Adding an Image Map

What is an image map?

An image map is a graphic of any kind that you place on a page and then "map out" places where people can click. You can assign links to other pages, or to other places on the web.

Try the Example

Only one link was added to this example (Button 1)

Button 1

Another Example can be found here. Look for the "Dog Food" image.

Widget Code:



  1. Copy the widget code above and paste in into a text box where you want the image map on your site.
  2. Change the "imagename"
  3. Choose left or right or center (Note: choosing left or right will make the photo be inline with the text wrapping around it depending on the width of the image)
  4. Change the size of the width
  5. Save
  6. Hover over gray box and upload your image

To Add the Link:

After the image has uploaded, roll over and select "Edit Links"

Here is a video showing how to edit your links